Origami and following instructions - Transforming Ninja Star

In this week's newsletter, I included a link to these instructions for making origami transforming ninja stars. My girls, who I gear the newsletter for, asked me to include things to make, and I thought these looked pretty cool!

We all sat down together to try making them a couple of days ago.

The instructions were very clear and easy to follow for making the 8 basic parallelograms that the stars are made from.

Then when it came to putting them together, we were fine up until the last two pieces - where it took us a while and some trial and error before we finally got it right!

I then made one more using squares cut from some of our junk mail.

 This worked pretty well, but the thinner paper didn't slide and pull apart and together quite as easily as the sturdier origami paper.
Still, they were neat to make and play with, transforming them from stars....


...to rings

Both of which we found flew pretty well across the room when we threw them like Frisbees!

Making these origami stars, has me want to find more cool origami projects to try with my girls.  

Having to read the instructions carefully, look at the diagrams and orient your paper in the correct way can provide quite a challenge. 
This has to be helping them improve their spatial awareness, logical thinking, basic geometry and who knows what other skills.

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